Short Course in South Africa | Garvey Africa Institute

The Importance of Skills Development Training Revisited by Garvey Africa Institute

Data modelling, analysis and visualisation using R

Skills Development of the Invaluable Asset

Employees are an organisation’s biggest asset” goes an old adage that has remained true to this day. The performance employees or colleagues is vital for sustainable organisational growth and success. Workers need up-to-date appropriate skills for efficient and effective performance. As such, skills development training is a prudent investment on the part of organisations. Organisations should, therefore, pride themselves in funding, supporting and superintending the skills development of their workers (invaluable asset) across all levels. Interestingly, organisations tend to go through cumbersome processes to recruit and hire qualified and suitable staff, but often place very little emphasis on retraining such employees to perpetuate their top quality. Funding training is one vital way through which an institution may care for its employees.

Training presents an organisation with a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge/skills base of employees, upgrade their skills and motivate them to perform better with loyalty and dedication. Considering that many employees may not be able to fund themselves even when cognisant of their own skills deficiencies it is incumbent upon the institution to assume such responsibility. It is true that attending training results in employees missing out on work time which in turn may delay the completion of activities or projects. However, the benefit of training to both the individual and organisation make the cost and time lost worthwhile. In the majority of instances, the return on investment in training and development of employees tends to be invaluable.

A Synopsis of the Benefits of Skills Development Training

Here listed are but some of the benefits that come from training employees:

Garvey Africa Institute is at hand to provide you with skills development training as and when the need arises. We are offering online training as we are cognisant that many cannot travel due to restrictions imposed by their governments to reduce the spread of Covid19.

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