Course Description
This Garvey Africa Institute Grants Management for NGOs course is designed to strengthen participants’ knowledge of good grants management practices. It enhances skills of individuals responsible for managing donor grants in a way that meets donors’ financial terms and conditions for programme implementation. The course also helps participants deepen their understanding of primary functional areas of grants management, including the grants management cycle.
- Project staff who manage institutional donor grants where programmes are implemented directly or through operational partners
- These include project and programme officers and managers, finance officers, department heads, M&E officers, documentation and learning officers, grants managers
The course helps participants:
- Identify and understand the critical terms and conditions of grant aid for donor-funded projects
- Ensure compliance with donor terms and conditions
- Comply in terms of correct procurement of goods and services, providing supporting documents and meeting financial reporting requirements
- Manage multiple funded programmes
- Prepare donor financial reports in line with project narrative reports
- Deepen understanding of the phases in the grant management cycle
- Understand key responsibilities and routines needed for successful grant management
- Manage the relationship with donors and other stakeholders with greater confidence
- Appreciate the need for collaboration between finance and programme staff for successful grant management.
- Overview of grant management
- Fundamentals of grants management
- The grant management life cycle
- Roles, responsibilities, routines and requirements in grant management
- Types of grants, applications and obligating documents
- The flow of donor funds
- Key challenges in grant management Assessing the terms and conditions in grant agreements
- Contract management
- Internal control systems
- How grant agreements impact on accounting and procurement systems
- Reporting
- Complying with donor reporting requirements
- Accounting challenges
- Managing and monitoring funds for compliance
- Partnerships and consortia
- Co-financing and multi-donor funding
- Managing varied compliance issues
- Managing multiple-donor funded projects
- Managing key relationships for successful grant management
- Writing financial/donor reports
- Closing a grant
The training approach is highly interactive. It uses a mixture of presentations by the facilitator and by participant(s), group or individual exercises, use of case studies and role plays. These proven learning techniques enhance understanding and retention of covered issues.